From trains to planes.  Cities to forests.  Bridges to the unknown…

The great expanse, the never-ending waters, the places yet traveled.  Portland had been a destination spot for some time, which only became more desirable with a place to stay and a good friend on the ground to guide me through the city, forests, and coastline for a truly amazing adventure.  Shout out to Elise Hughes.  Thank you for your friendship, your hospitality, and your access to a car.

The holiday travel plan a bit unorthodox, yet jampacked, led me first to Portland Oregon, an extremely easy plane ride away.  A straight shot door to door, with minimal security, lines, or mishaps on either end.  My same day arrival, just barely, put me on the ground a little before midnight on a Thursday, and thankfully due to the invention of coffee, my host graciously picked me up even with work bright and early the next morning.

Our reunion easy, yet slow to manifest, old memories, and new swirling around in the silence of the car.  The actuality of me sitting in the passenger seat miles away from my home city, and thousands of miles away from the last time we embraced, said our goodbyes and went our different ways after 12 months of being inseparable in a foreign land.

The drive from the airport to her space, her apartment, through her very own city, was clouded in mystery, unable to truly see my surroundings.   A city talked about but never actually seen with my own eyes.  However, the lull in conversation soon dissipated and the silence taking to the backseat, our past habits, mannerisms, and calm jests began again, taking root, replacing the darkness, the silence, the time spent apart.

Her humble abode was immediately and graciously offered up for my use and my comfort.  The apartment was charming, warm, and a cozy spot indeed, located minutes from coffee shops, food, forests, and public transportation.  A perfect opportunity to explore, walk, and see, really see all that Portland and the surrounding burrows had to offer.  Becoming a local for the few precious days I would have the privilege to call Portland my own.

Work taking precedence, she left early in the morning, and woke earlier still, the alarm waking her, but my brain already awake and thoughts turning over before the alarm even began.  Sleeping not on my mind, with all too much to see, I left the apartment behind to explore the nearby park instead of drifting back to sleep.

Walking across the bridge, the same one seen as of late in the movie “Leave no trace,” was incredible.  Cars and trucks barreling past, the river underneath, the wind howling through, I quickly left behind the buildings, people, and noise.  Instead, I found myself hiking farther and farther into the moss-laden trees, muting the sounds of life, and instead, bringing to the forefront all the sounds we forget envelope the canopy, and awaken a sense of primal love, peace, and calm.  The sun streaming through the branches, warming everything it touched.  The trail winding farther away, the climb steep, the elevation rising steadily, I became enamored not only with the calming silence but the joy of simply being, walking, striving forward into nothing.

The weather brisk as I descended back down into the clouds, the moisture sticking to my coat and hair alike, the cold working its way into my bones, I was city bound.  Coffee to thaw, a bagel to savor and enjoy, bringing back my strength and desire to continue my exploration of this new and wonderful city.

A ride hitched from my new roommate or rather Elise’s allowed for my trip into the city to be much more seamless than a bus, allowed me to enjoy my very first experience in a SMART car and a random drop off location, to make my way on my own, to nowhere in particular.

The rest of the trip also incredible, filled with climbing, breweries, friends, and family.  From the confines of an apartment all the way to the Oregon coast, a spot recommended for all.  The fog settling in over the forest canopy, the clouds opening up as the waves crash upon the cliffs.  A side by side effect, that is truly breathtaking.  My time in Oregon was truly unforgettable, and allowed for past memories to come alive, past experiences to be enjoyed, and new life quests to be discussed.

After talking to Elise yesterday, I figured this blog needed to be posted.  Thank you for your friendship, your thoughts, and for staying true to you.