I am now officially an Uncle, an Oklahoma resident, and a mooch. My transient lifestyle leading me to an open bedroom, in a gorgeous house, with incredible hospitality: the Nagshay residence of Tulsa.

Within this house, I am awaiting job offers, putting other offers on hold, and partaking in baby duty. This is my life. A bit different than past summers, where I would be galavanting around the world. However, it is exactly what I signed up for, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I might feel at a standstill, but nothing can beat seeing my niece and nephew change before my very eyes.

And mixed into this cacophony of noise, waiting, and heat, I begin to branch out. Albeit slowly in this regard, consuming more books than face-to-face time. However, knowing me this is to be expected. I face the issue of attempting to infiltrate the groups that I know, while simultaneously finding my own space and hobbies.

And then the world happens once again. Job offers flimsy, possibilities unknown. Back to the drawing board, and the heart skips a beat. A server by day? or night? Regardless, always trying to understand what in the world I want to accomplish. What I want to succeed in. What I want to change. This is my brookside life process.

Pre-qualifying for a house with no income. Having daytime free to work at night. To swim, to climb, to be. The waiting game is real, it is happening, and I know I am not alone. Tick-tock, tick-tock and hoping for inspiration, or for the job to land right in front of me. Because truly who knows until they are in it, experiencing the actual bones of this new job. Truly beginning to wrap their heads around what their new reality is.

Bring it on world! What’s next?