Have you ever had the feeling that you are on a roll?  You feel like a rockstar, unstoppable, and the world is yours to control?  However, moments later, you feel like all your forward progress has disappeared and you are even farther behind than when you started?

Yup, it happens to everyone.  It’s happening to me right now. What do I want?  What do I need?  Common, everyday, normal questions to ask, yet hard questions indeed.

The questions are even more prevalent when starting something new.  The simple act of creating a new problem for yourself and then having to find the solution is mind-boggling in its own right.  I challenge you though, to dive right in.  You might fail, you might flounder, but how would you ever know if you never try.

“The only thing worse than trying and failing is not trying at all.”

My life at the moment revolves around a job that I do little in, and thus I am attempting blogging, the creation of a business, where to travel next, and what my future should look like.  All of these questions are constantly on my mind, constantly needing my attention, and are constantly bogging me down with numerous new and unknown problems.  It is overwhelming, exciting, horrible, and fantastic all in one.  I promise, how I feel is no new, it is not unique, but still, it is a problem that I myself have created.  You may very well be having similar scenarios being played out in your life, and I want you to know: it’s okay, it’s even amazing, stick with it, see where it leads you, and maybe, just maybe, it will transform into the thing you have always wanted.