Welcome any and all.

At the moment, I am currently living in a three bedroom apartment rent-free in the Negev desert. If you are curious, the town is called Mitzpe Ramon, and this small town of 5,016 after 15 of us moved into town, is as isolated, as it is quiet. You hear no sounds besides that of the wind ripping across the huge open expanse that is the Maktesh Ramon a 5-minute walk from our front door. On any given day you stroll past hundreds of stray cats and numerous Ibex families.

Although we work in Dimona, Mitzpe is what we call home, and is where each morning we depart, and every afternoon after a day of dealing with crazy Israeli children we return. Besides the daily sunsets and death-defying bus rides as we zoom around corners, my roommate graces us with his cooking skills. Many books are also read and shows watched. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.

We try to get out and about to wander away from our bubble in the middle of nowhere venturing to Be’er Sheva every Tuesday for a University class and Ulpan, and have managed to get away a few weekends to Tel Aviv and Tiberias.

All of you out there living in remote places around the world, creating candles as hobbies, or simply flabbergasted at what to do next, you are not alone. If any of you have any hobbies you would care to share, please let me know.

This blog post has begun in hopes to start a sharing process with some whom I have let slip through the cracks, but more importantly, it’s a way to share some of my awesome experiences. Moving to a new country, exploring Iceland’s vast open expanse of ice, greenery, and glaciers, to hiking Africa’s tallest mountain. Come over, enjoy, and revel in all the experiences the world has to offer!